The Society has an Honorary President, President, Vice President, Directors, Secretary General, Councilors, and Auditors. In addition, the society has committees for editing the journal, bulletin, research, information, external relations, and preparation for the conference. In addition, the Music and Picture Book Divisions are active in research, and the Kyushu and Chigi Branches are active as regional organizations.
Staff List (August 1, 2023 – July 31, 2025)
As of September 2023. Chairman, Vice Chairman and so on in alphabetical order.
Official Position
Fuminori Nakatsubo
Hiroshima University Graduate School
Vice Chairman and Chair of the External Relations Committee
Sadami Mori
Shotoku University
Vice Chairman and Chair of the Overseas Training Committee
Xiangying Liu
Fukuyama City University
Kiyomi Akita
Gakushuin University
Chair of the Academic Contribution Award Nomination Committee
Miwako Amano
Tokai University
Naruyoshi Asano
Hinode Nursery School
Chair of the 2023 Congress Executive Committee and Assistant to the Executive Director
Itsuko Fukui
Kobe Shinwa Women’s University
Kiyoshi Hamana
Muko Ai no Sono Kindergarten, An Accredited Childcare Center
Head of the Secretariat
Shin Ise
Fukuoka Prefectural University
Sachiko Kitano
Kobe University
Chairman of the 2024 Conference Executive Committee
Takuya Koga
Chiba Meitoku Junior College
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Yoshiyuki Mukuda
Kansai University of International Studies
Chair of the 2026 Conference Executive Committee and Chair of the Music Division
Takayuki Ninomiya
Seirei Christopher University
Chairman of the Research Committee
Takako Noguchi
Tokyo Kaisei University
Chairman of the Reporting Committee
Reiko Okamoto
Atelier REI Children’s House
Chairman of the Intelligence Committee
Aiichiro Sakai
Kyoritsu Women’s University
Uchida Chiharu
Toyo University
Chair, Constitution and Regulations Committee
Toshijo Ueda
Nagoya City University Graduate School
Chairman of Picture Division
Chiaki Yamada
Kyoei University
Tei Yamaoka
Institute of Intelligence Education
Mahito Katsuura
Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts
Yasutoshi Kuse
Kyushu Junior College of Kinki University
Makoto Ito
Hiroshima University Graduate School
Toshiko Miyachi
Children’s Literature Author
Mikiko Tabu
Professor Emeritus, Seitoku University
Overseas Service
Overseas Deputy Officers
Houko Saito
Professor Emeritus, California State University
Zhou Nianli
East China Normal University
Zheng Jinzi
Professor Emeritus, Daegu University
Overseas Deputy Officers
Miyuki Hachiya
California Peace College
Li Yancheng
Keisei University
List of Honorary Members (as of October 1, 2024)
CHonorary Chairman
Fumiko Kanazaki
Professor Emeritus, Utsunomiya University
Honorary Member
Masako Taniguchi
Professor Emeritus, Osaka International University
Honorary Member
Keiko Kimura
Professor Emeritus, Seitoku University
Honorary Member
Hiroshi Okamura
Professor, Tokyo University of Social Welfare
Honorary Member
Noriko Saito
Professor Emeritus, California State University
Committee / Section / Chapter
Editorial Board
Edits the journal International Journal of Early Childhood Research. Published once a year.
Report Committee
Provides annual reports and announcements of the society’s activities, as well as information exchange among members. Published twice a year.
Research Committee
Held twice a year on topics such as multicultural childcare and education and childcare counseling.
Information Committee
Provides information through web pages.
External Relations Committee
Activities to promote exchanges with overseas members in the U.S., Korea, China, and other countries.
Overseas Training Committee
Planning and implementation of study tours, including seminars and park tours at overseas universities.
The Ministry will
Music Division
Workshops at the convention.
Picture Book Group
Workshops at conventions and publication of the Picture Book Section newsletter.
Kyushu Branch
Organized by members who live or work in the Kyushu-Okinawa-Yamaguchi area, the association holds regular study meetings to exchange research, workshops and study groups for childcare workers in the field. Workshops and research meetings are held.
Tochigi Branch
Consisting of members residing in Tochigi Prefecture and surrounding areas, the organization promotes research and exchange in community-based infant and toddler care and education. Organizes research meetings, lectures, and workshops.