Enrollment Guidance

To become a member of the Association

Persons wishing to apply for membership, please complete this application form and send it to the office by mail or FAX. The Association is open to all individuals who are involved in early childhood education or child rearing and researchers and persons who are interested in early child education and child rearing. When you are approved for membership, the Association will notify you of the results.

Benefits for members

  1. Members who wish to visit pre-kindergartens, kindergartens or day care centers in different countries are eligible to join the training and practice tour in the foreign countries. Those tours are arranged by the Association each year.
  2. Members have the opportunity to publish their papers at the annual meeting. They can also participate in the seminars, conferences meetings, lectures, and panel discussions. These activities will provide in depth knowledge as well as raise issues and track trends in early childhood education.
  3. The official journal “The Journal of IAECE”and the newsletter are distributed to members free of charge and members are eligible to obtain new information in Japan and foreign countries as well. Members are eligible to submit papers to the official journal and newsletter.
  4. Members are eligible to organize lectures or scientific meetings by invitation of the Board of Directors or other members of the Association.
  5. Members are eligible to purchase books published by the Board of Directors or members of the Association at reduced prices.

International Association of Early Childhood Education / IAECE

Office:c/o Prof. FUKUI, Itsuko
Faculty of Human Development and Education, Kobe Shinwa Women’s University
7-13-1 Suzurandai-Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kobe, 651-1111, Japan